Interdisciplinary projects
During the last years in Berlin I have had the chance to create and organize, together with an outstanding group of collaborators, a few Art & Science events…
Every project dealt with the question on how can art and science work together, what are the potentialities of this collaboration, how can both enrich each other?
Every project approaches a specific topic, relevant for both fields but also with cultural and societal implications.
Merging art, philosophy and psychological science
Explored the metaphor of the Bubble as a way for understanding self-identity. Identity is considered as a natural self-referential process embedded in a socio-cultural environment. From this, the self is conceived as a dynamic process including permeable borders, extensions within the socio-cultural scaffold environment, leading to a multiplicity of self-perspectives (i.e. embodied self, narrative self, etc.). The Art & Science event included a scientific conference together with an art exhibition, it was organized together with Vittorio Gallese, Laura Kaltwasser, among others, in Berlin.
Vanishing Objects focused on the enigmatic and illusory appearances of things, as they are ‘given’ to human perception. It investigated how things and their perception are “build up” within steps and parts, but also how things vanish and dissolve. Within this cycle of appearance and vanishing, things reveal an elemental and rough, yet enigmatic form, its transparent and empty nature.
This art exhibition included a scientific talk, it was organized together with Muriel Gallardo Weinstein, in Berlin.
Art & Embodiment investigated the role of the body in the production and perception of aesthetics and art. Bodily feelings underly our perception, emotions and cognitions - embodied cognition thesis, thus the creative processes and the aesthetic perception are embodied as well.
The Art & Science event included a scientific conference together with an art exhibition, using a range of different techniques, together with Gallery based experiments. It was organized together with with Jesse Prinz, Gen Eickers and Muriel Gallardo Weinstein in Berlin.